Monday, August 23, 2010

A Lesson From the Ant

A Message from the Lord...2 ME!

6 You lazy fool, look at an ant.
Watch it closely; let it teach you a thing or two.
7 Nobody has to tell it what to do.

8 All summer it stores up food;
at harvest it stockpiles provisions.

9 So how long are you going to laze around doing nothing?
How long before you get out of bed?

10 A nap here, a nap there, a day off here, a day off there,
sit back, take it easy—do you know what comes next?

11 Just this: You can look forward to a dirt-poor life,
poverty your permanent houseguest!
Always Cooking Up Something Nasty

(proverbs 6:5-11)

WHOA!!! ok this was part of my daily reading today and as soon as I read this section of proverbs i knew the Lord was talking to me. Tight but Right!

I dont mind in anyway being chastized by the Lord because he always does it in LOVE!!!! His ways, his instructions, his rebukes are always right. He says love wisdom and I do. It only makes my life better.

So Thank You Lord for the early morning spanking...I needed it and I love you even the more for it!!

Now I'm off to accomplish what the Lord has put me on this earth to do!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pity Party

This day started with me throwing myself my very own Pity Party. That's right i kept right on looking at every issue in my life, at every not so good circumstance till I felt completely worthless, useless. I wanted to cry and just lay in the bed all day. Why is it when life is not going smoothly that one could sit/lay around and sulk all day. Matter of fact that was my plan until I received an email.

This email was just what i needed. No it wasn't a "you can do anything" kind of email but an email detailing an issue someone very close to me was having.

I just love God. You know immediately I got me off my mind and began to be concerned about someone else. I said a prayer and wrote back encouraging her. I truly believe that God can work out any situation.

Its true. When your going thru get your mind off yourself and begin to pray for someone else. I tell you each and everytime I have prayed for someone else while im going through God shows up STRONG in my LIFE!!!! I just love God. He is soooo AWESOME!!!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

HEY HEY, HEY HEY (in my best Dwayne voice)

I'm Back!!!!! Renewed, Refreshed and Re-energized!!!! Geesh so much has happened since i last blogged.

I don't work at the agengy that I gave my life to for the last 5 years and im loving the freedom. You know what some people may look at as a tragedy, I saw as an opportunity. That's right an opportunity to really excel and accomplish what I was put on this earth to do career wise. God has given me so many ideas in the last two months that I have been completely overwhelmed at the tasks that were laid before me. But I've since learned that this thing is a complete FAITH WALK! Super excited!!!!

God said this is a season of Building and Completion!!!! Everything has got to come to pass.

I've also begun walking. Whew was that hard to start. But like i've said i have very good friends. Friends that hold you accountable. One in particular made sure that I woke up each morning and met her at the track. Now im walking by myself. I walk because I feel better, it's good for my body, now im able to run around with my 7 and 5 year old and to even do football drills with my 7 year old. I love it...that is once i get out there. I am up to 3 miles each day. YAY ME!!!!
I've joined a walking forum(more accountablity) and have even taken my kids out to the track with me. I cant wait till the weight starts coming off. My goal: lose 60lbs by my birthday next year. Very doable.

School starts for my kids in two weeks (oh so happy) and we are just preparing for that.

You know my whole life is finally getting some order. I hope to start back to school full=time in a couple of weeks. I really need to do something cause this stay at home mom thing is not for me.

In the meantime I have been getting all the paperwork in order to incorporate my non-profit. That is a lot of work tryin to get a business off the ground. I realized i can't run it out of my home, too lazy here lol.

I promise i wont stay away this long anymore.

More about me to come. See Ya....