Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I'm In Love

Yep that's right I'm in love...with JESUS!!!! You thought it was a new man in my life. Nope not yet.

God is just so Good. Last night I got ready to sin b/c i got so mad at a person but just in the nick of time The Holy Spirit reminded me of who I was. Luke 6:28 popped up in my spirit so quick and I immediately got myself together. Well maybe not immediately but i did not sin. You know God says be angry but sin NOT!!!! It would seem like being angry and doing the wrong thing go hand in hand. But they don't. I have even tried to justify my wrong actions noting that i was angry. But God don't go for that either.

It was such a good feeling to know that b4 I got ready to do something crazy God gently, lovingly reminded me of who i was. I just love the Lord with all my heart. I'm amazed and in awe at how much he loves and cares about me.

Was it easy to pray for those who despitefully use me. Not at first but thank God for Godly friends. Who when I'm off they are on. My good friend Trina said say the Lord's Prayer. She reminded me that Jesus taught us how to pray and that saying the Lord's Prayer covers everything, my sin, the person's sin, and reminds me that I need to let God's Will be done and not mine. Hallelujah!!!!! Man was that right on time!

Lord You are good to me even when i don't know how to be good to myself. I will forever praise you!!!

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