Monday, January 17, 2011

Be Ye Transformed...

Well I'm back after a long break...again. I've figured that everyday blogging isn't for me. Maybe weekly blogging I can keep up with lol. Well anywho, My business is off the Ground!!!!! So excited and I've been working nonstop, along with my partner, to make it into exactly what God intended it to be.

The Name: R.A.G.E. Youth Resource Center

R.A.G.E. stands for Reclaiming A Generation through Exposure

God gave me the name RAGE probably two years ago and it had a two fold meaning for me. One the acronym and the other rage. I remember as a young adult, early 20's, I had a real problem with rage, getting angry and fighting. But God delivered me from that. And i just think it is so awesome that the thing that used to hinder me is the same thing that will now be used as a vehicle to bless people. That's God 4 Ya!!!

It's 2011 now an everyday of this year I have been feeling great, motivated, inspired. I believe i'm actually starting to understand this thing called LIFE. Let me tell you for a long time, I expected things to just be handed to me or for stuff to just fall in my lap, without much effort on my part. I kinda been living my life like that but God put a scripture on my heart last year that has really been transforming my thinking.

All hard work brings a profit but mere talk leads only to poverty. (proverbs 14:23 NIV)

Every time I write it or say it, it does something to me. I now understand that in order to accomplish these really big visions God has given me is gonna take some hard work on my part.

I know simple to you, but life changing for me.

So everyday I try my best to work really hard, to make sure my plans line up with God's plans.

Maybe I'll start blogging about my transformation, about the daily goals I achieve. I know that I'm not the only person out there that hasn't lived up to their potential or who hasn't procrastinated to the point that years have flown by and yet nothing has been accomplished.

For me, time out for the laziness!!! Time to truly accomplish what I was put on this earth to do.

How about You?

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